With Mp3 Knife you can select a song you want in Mp3 format, and split it where ever you want.
If the beginning of a song is boring to you, then you grab your Mp3Knife, and cut it out.
It is mostly aimed towards users that have mobile phones so they can make Mp3 ring tones, as with this program you can select which part of the song (or any voice recording in Mp3 format) you want to play when you receive a phone call.
Undoubtedly a great program, easy to use, and with a simple interface that will make enthusiasts of ringtones and different Windows sounds fall in love.
Doesn't require installation and works on Windows XP.
It is great I get the exact part I want from a song and it's super easy to use you upload the song, choose where you want to cut it, and you're done! it seems to me like a very good program...
It is very good and actually easy to use.... you can have your favorite songs on your cell phone and use little space,...super thank you for uploading it....